Family farm banned from city farmers market over refusal to host gay weddings awaits ruling in legal battle | Fox News

Following a bench trial this week a federal court in Michigan is set to rule in the case of a farm that was banned from a city-run market in East Lansing over its owners’ refusal to allow same-sex couples to hold weddings on their property.

Source: Family farm banned from city farmers market over refusal to host gay weddings awaits ruling in legal battle | Fox News

Over the years I have noticed a distinct pattern with these cases. It is Christians and Christianity that are always under attack. For instance, schools and businesses nationwide have gone to great lengths to accommodate Muslim’s need for prayer, affording them space and break-time that other employees/students are not allowed. No such accommodations for Christians are allowed… just the opposite. Ask yourself why, in a country founded by Christians in the name of religious freedom, is this happening?

Children increasingly overdosing on marijuana edibles – CBS News

Doctors are warning parents to keep the candy-like drugs hidden from children.

Source: Children increasingly overdosing on marijuana edibles – CBS News

The number of children under 12 who have ingested edibles at home jumped from 132 in 2016 to almost 2,500 last year, according to the American Association of Poison Control Centers. Those requiring medical care jumped astronomically, too.

This is a direct and predicted result from the legalization of marijuana products. This is the cost of satisfying America’s neoliberal 420 crowd. I told you so. Overdoses have dramatically increased. Auto accidents involving marijuana have dramatically increased, and an awful lot of stoned drivers have young children in the car. The saddest thing of all is injuring or killing other drivers and risking the lives of their own children is an acceptable price to pay in the mind of the user.

BDS Coup: Ben & Jerry’s to End Sales in ‘Occupied Palestinian Territory’

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BDS – Boycott, divestment, sanctions.

Source: BDS Coup: Ben & Jerry’s to End Sales in ‘Occupied Palestinian Territory’

Ben & Jerry’s just announced their anti-Semitic plans to stop selling their ice cream to Jews. I can only wish that every person of conscience will take this action to heart. In reality, what Ben & Jerry’s is saying that EVERY PERSON WHO SUPPORTS ISRAEL is not welcome to eat their very delicious ice cream. I am first in line for that. I am more than happy to take this social justice bullet and  NEVER EAT B.J. ice cream again in my life. It is going to be tough. I might die. Woe unto me and everyone who makes the sacrifice, but Ben & Jerry’s demands it, so let’s give it to them! As of this moment, I am an official Ben & Jerry’s BDS zone. Will the horrors never end.

Why do SJWs, NPCs, and Neoliberals Constantly Dehumanize People Suffering With Disabling Phobias?

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Red Rider

When I was boy our go-to insult was any number of variations referring to the state of mental retardation. M.R., retard, mental retard, retarded. We threw the insult at everything and everyone, including people who were developmentally disabled. There was a retarded man who lived in my neighborhood who was always trying to be friends with all the neighbor boys. Not in a creepy way – he just wanted to be accepted. We had a lot of fun at his expense. He used to brag he was an Olympic gold medalist in hopes of being cool. He actually was, but it was the Special Olympics. We howled with laughter. Those memories rank fairly high with my most shameful from childhood. How we treat others, regardless of their status in life, becomes a part of our soul and like most preadolescent boys, we were a group of antagonistic heathens. Fortunately, almost all of us grew out of that phase and became kinder, more empathetic men. In the end, though, it was our mockery that changed mental retardation from a clinical term into a politically incorrect, dead term. Now it takes guts even to say, “Fire retardant.”

Today, we have another clinical term that has emerged as one of the most popular insults in America. Instead of a bunch of immature, preadolescent boys obsessed with armpit farts, it is mature, well-educated, adults with very specific ideologies who are making a mockery of the term. The clinical term is “phobia” and those who use it in a derogatory manner are registered Democrats, Progressive Leftists, SJWs, QUILTBAGgers, and NPCs – the neoliberals.

According to the 27th Edition of Dorland’s Medical Dictionary this is the definition of phobia:

Phobia, n: A persistent, irrational, intense fear of a specific object, activity, or situation. Fear that is recognized as being excessive or unreasonable by the individual himself. When a phobia is a significant source of distress or interferes with social functioning, it is considered a mental disorder.

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates approximately 1 in 10 Americans suffer from active phobias, and up to 3 in 10 have suffered a phobia in their lifetime. Some phobias, such as fear of snakes, spiders, and heights, have rational roots. Some phobias, such as the fear of knees and the fear of white, are far more irrational. A funny aside, many leftists suffer from undiagnosed leukophobia, the fear of white, hence their development of the anti-white, “critical race theory” as a self-affirmation that they do not have a mental disorder. Unfortunately, their leukophobia is having a profoundly negative affect on their social functioning, as well as a destructive influence on the fabric of society as a whole.

There are over one hundred recognized phobias, none of which are Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, or any other phobia listed in the Dictionary of the Social Justice Language. No one has a fear of transgender individuals so crippling they cannot leave their home for fear of bumping into one. Just like when I was a rotten kid, calling everything “retarded,” we have a generation of rotten, leftist, adults calling everyone with whom they disagree “phobic” and teaching their children that mocking phobias is acceptable behavior when clearly it is an intolerant, dehumanizing, injustice. To the severe agoraphobic, someone afraid of crowds and public spaces, it is a crippling disability.

Did US Women’s Soccer Kneel During National Anthem at 2020 Olympic Opener? |

Source: Did US Women’s Soccer Kneel During National Anthem at 2020 Olympic Opener? |

The answer is no. They waited until the kickoff to take a knee. But what are they protesting, anyway?

Well, I am not exactly certain, but I can tell you what they ARE NOT protesting.

The U.S. Women’s soccer team is not protesting:

  • For freedom in Hong Kong
  • In support of Taiwan to remain a free nation
  • Against Communist China’s human rights abuses
  • Against Nike’s evil relationship with Communist China (Nike is one of their big sponsors)
  • For the right of Israel to exist
  • Against the rise in anti-Semitic crime spurred by the actions of BLM and ANTIFA
  • Against growing lawlessness and violence in America’s black community
  • Against the epidemic of black on black crime
  • Against Patrice Cullors for profiting from BLM funds that should have gone to fight social violence in black communities
  • In support of police officers across this nation who put their lives on the line daily in the name of law, order, and community safety, only to be spat on and assaulted by violent rioters who ransack and burn American cities
  • In support of retail business owners who are being robbed blind in cities like San Francisco while the neoliberal governments turns a blind eye
  • For the right of every individual, including every individual white man, to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, especially when it comes to specious labels such as misogyny and racism
  • For the right for biological women to compete against biological women in athletics in the name of equity
  • In support of the charter school system to give parents a choice between education and indoctrination
  • To save the whales from extinction

I can’t think of anything else worthwhile, except the equal pay thing, which they are right about, except they are socialists who are victims of socialist income redistribution, so why are they complaining?!?

The Long and the Shorts of Modern Athletics: A Parade of Lilliputian Proportions

Created by Jonathon Swift as a part of his satirical work, Gulliver’s Travels, Lilliputians are a fictional race of people who excessively dwell on trivial matters.

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Near the western edge of Europe in Bedford, England, at the English Paralympic Championships, athlete Olivia Breen offended the sensibilities of officials by wearing shorts that were smidge too short. The shorts covered Breen’s butt, but apparently that was not enough. She got chastised. At the same time, on the eastern edge of Europe in Varna, Bulgaria at the European Beach Handball Championships, the Norwegian team was fined for wearing shorts that were not short enough. Please understand, Breen’s shorts, as short as they are, would not meet the European Handball Federation (EHF) requirements for beach handballers. Breen’s shorts actually cover her butt, and that is a violation of EHF rules. The EHF requires bikini shorts so skimpy they are a thread away from a thong, and the Norwegian team was tired of have their butts be the main attraction for bleachers full of fat, shirtless men. So Norway went conservative, covered their butts, and got fined. If Ricky Nelson was alive today, he would certainly rewrite his song, Garden Party, ‘You can’t please everyone, so you got to please yourself, and then pay the fine.’

The idea of an entire summer filled with inane, lilliputian dramas dominating sports headlines is beyond nauseating, yet so hard to stop watching simply out of pure morbid fascination. What’s next? Maybe the U.S. Women’s soccer team can convince the Swedes to kneel in protest of Christianity leading the global quest for abolition over the past four centuries. Or women’s suffrage. Or the “Capitalism for Socialist Women” movement. Stay tuned… I have a hunch it is only going to get weirder. The Olympics are here, and it is no longer about the international spirit of competition and national pride.

Vaccine mandates more likely once FDA grants full approvals, health experts say

The regulatory signoff would remove a significant legal and public relations barrier to requirements, former government officials said.

Source: Vaccine mandates more likely once FDA grants full approvals, health experts say

WASHINGTON — The United States could see a wave of Covid-19 vaccine mandates as soon as the Food and Drug Administration grants full approval to one or more of the shots, public health experts predicted.

The Abortion Theorem

  1. Life Begins at Conception
    a. If the biological definition of LIFE is a biological unit’s ability for cellular division, and;
    b. If human conception takes two non-living gametes, spermatozoan and ovum, and creates an organism capable of cellular division, a zygote, then;
    c. Life begins at conception.
  1. Personhood Begins at Conception
    a. If the definition of PERSON is an individual human being, and;
    b. At the point of conception the living organism has a genetically unique human genome distinguishable from the mother, and;
    c. The genome at death is the same as the genome at conception;
    d. Then the only non-arbitrary point that personhood can begin is conception because conception is the only definitive point of change. All other points are mere points of development – growth, aging, and death – points of a lifecycle that begins at conception lasting up to 120 years, therefore;
    e. Personhood begins at conception.

Therefore abortion always kills a unique, living human person.

Imagine a timeline – one that spans 120 years. Before the timeline begins, there is no life. Conception occurs and the timeline of life begins. On a second by second basis, that new life might come to its natural end in moments, hours, days, weeks, months, years, or decades. The March of Dimes estimates up to 50% of conceptions naturally end before the mother is aware she conceived. Some women have ectopic pregnancies and others have developmental miscarriages. Viability and self awareness are not valid tests to determine what is alive and what is not. None of these failed pregnancies are any less living organisms than babies who survive birth. From there, Death continues to take newborns, children, teens, young adults, mature adults and the elderly every second of every day. Eventually every person’s cellular function comes to an end and they are no longer alive. What started with conception always comes to a natural… or unnatural end. Once we reach the 120 year mark on our time line, everyone is dead. This is the science of it, regardless of race, color, creed, or gender.

Throughout history and likely until the end of things, mankind constantly attempts to squirm out of adhering to the truth that we are all made of the same stuff. Man’s laws are too often in conflict with the Universe’s laws. That is why most of history’s genocides, such as the genocides of Communist China, Communist Russia, and Nazi Germany were/are perfectly legal in the context of their society. Man’s law depends on who happens to be in power… who is allowed a voice. The Universe’s law simply states that if killing any individual innocent person is deemed unlawful and wrong, then the killing of any innocent person, regardless, has to be unlawful and wrong. It cannot be unjust to kill the master yet, at the same time, be just to kill the slave when their status in life is simply circumstantial. A just society cannot selectively apply the law, as no person wants to be the one who is treated unjustly.

Since 1973’s Roe v Wade decision well over 60,000,000 living human persons have been legally aborted in the United States. That is 22% of the 268 million viable pregnancies since 1973 that resulted in 208 million births. A sobering way to look at us as a society, no? Human beings, by our nature, are spiritual beings. When we engage in acts that are antithetical to a healthy conscience, those acts can do nothing but weigh heavily on our spirit. They scar our humanity. I have never heard of any person who, late in life, regretted respecting the sanctity of life. Stories of people who regret their support for or involvement in the taking innocent lives, on any scale, are a dime a dozen. It is an eloquent demonstration of the fundamental differences between a truly just society and the modern Social Justice movement.

Catholic bishops approve Communion document aimed at possible rebuke of Biden | Fox News

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) voted overwhelmingly to draft a formal document on the meaning of the Eucharist after a contentious debate on whether President Biden and other politicians who support abortion policies are worthy of receiving Communion at Mass.

Source: Catholic bishops approve Communion document aimed at possible rebuke of Biden | Fox News

For now this is just a draft – it has to be approved by a two-thirds majority in the next American Catholic bishops gathering in November. The Church is long overdue in addressing the matter of Catholic persons who support and promote abortion, yet still want access to the rites and sacraments of the Church.

In America, every living person is a religious free agent that can profess any sort of faith or lack of faith they choose. In professing a faith, though, there is a reasonable expectation a person will believe in and adhere to the tenets of said faith, even if they do not fully understand them. The tenets of Catholicism are old, obvious, and in plain sight. It is only with a childish sense of entitlement that a person expects to receive the benefits of the Church while denying fundamental, core Church doctrine, such as the sanctity of life.

Nancy Pelosi is under no obligation to remain a member of the Catholic Church. Neither is President Biden. Both of them, as well as other politicians and powerful people who use their public forums to shape our future, routinely engage in activities antithetical to fundamental Church teachings, only to hide behind the Church’s skirts when it is politically expedient. It is about time the Church took action to hold them to account.

Three Texas Democrats who fled to Washington, D.C. test positive for coronavirus | Fox News

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Several of the Texas Democrats who fled the state capital to avoid voting on an election integrity bill have tested positive for the coronavirus.

Source: Three Texas Democrats who fled to Washington, D.C. test positive for coronavirus | Fox News


I am not a big believer in karma as bad things happen to good people, but this is kinda funny. Not only did these goobers break the law by fleeing Texas to avoid doing their elected duties, it is also illegal to fly without wearing a mask.

All flyers, including children and those vaccinated, are required by federal law to wear a face mask when in a US airport or onboard an airplane. Other countries have varying rules but most require face masks to be worn by travelers.

Democrats – you gotta love their lack of respect for the equal application of the rule of law.

Twitter explodes after Psaki urges Big Tech to unite on bans for ‘misinformation’ spreaders | Fox News

The White House is courting intense criticism again Friday after press secretary Jen Psaki said that once users are banned from one social media platform for spreading coronavirus “misinformation,” they should be expelled from all others as well.

Source: Twitter explodes after Psaki urges Big Tech to unite on bans for ‘misinformation’ spreaders | Fox News

Do you miss Trump yet? Elections have consequences, and America elected an administration that took less than six months to PUBLICLY  ADVOCATE suppression of free speech and a free press when it is contrary to the government’s narrative.

Jen Psaki says White House is flagging “disinformation” about Covid-19 vaccines on Facebook – YouTube

There are two sorts of disinformation about Covid-19. The first are the Zombie Apocalypse conspiracies that the Covid-19 vaccine is really a government plot to trick people into injecting the Armageddon substance or other ridiculous, flat-Earth theories. The second sort of government defined “disinformation” are scientifically correct statements that simply conflict with the government’s preferred narrative. This is where, in direct violation of the Constitution of the United States of America, the Federal Government is directing private companies to suppress both the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press, denying Americans access to valid information that would help them make an informed choice as to whether they needed the Covid-19 vaccine or not. For instance, all the data so far demonstrates that people who have recovered from an active Covid-19 infection have immunity that is equal to or greater than the immunity provided by the vaccine. Over 34 million Americans, more than 10% of the population, have recovered from an active Covid-19 infection. None of them need an immunization any more than someone who had an active case of chicken pox. These people count when it comes to America’s herd immunity, yet the government is still trying to force them to get vaccinated.

Another Social Justice Dictionary Definition: Equity

Equity: 1. The amount of advantage or head start a person is given over white, Christian, straight men, based on said person’s number of intersections. 2. Limiting opportunities available to persons with abilities beyond 1 standard deviation above “normal.”

The Real Definition of Ableism

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Able, adj: having the necessary power, skill, resources, or qualifications to perform a certain task.

While “able” is the antonym of “disabled,” it does not mean “anti-disabled.” It does not say anything at all about a person’s disabilities, only a person’s abilities, and everyone can write a personal list of both qualities easy enough. Basketball players are not able jockeys and jockeys are not able basketball players.

Ism, n: distinct doctrines, theories, or systems.

For instance, I am Catholic. I practice Catholicism. Being Catholic does not mean I practice anti-atheism. We are nearly two centuries into the age of isms and they are always affirmative practices even when they are distasteful, not double-negative practices. Even racism is the affirmative belief in a single superior race rather than singling out an inferior race.

Ableism, n: Practicing tasks you are capable of performing.

SJWs want you to think that the word “ableism” means to discriminate against disabled people when spoken in the English language. Nope, sorry, not according to the English dictionary. The sounds coming out of the SJW mouth may be “ā-bɘl’iz-əm” but the meaning is from the make-believe language of Social Justice. Here is a real world example. The word “fart” has different meanings in English, French, and Swedish. Anal gas, wax, and speed. That is why SJWs are so hard to comprehend. They speak in an imaginary tongue that sounds like English, but is something else entirely.

When we do things we are capable of doing, we are practicing ableism. Walking, talking, listening… using those gifts God gave us… rather than wallowing in self pity over our limitations. Someone who is physiologically deaf can still be an extraordinary listener, while someone who can hear a pin drop across a football stadium can also turn a deaf ear to you and your problems. The deaf person is not discriminating against the person suffering from alexithymia by being a good listener. I am a vertically challenged man and need a ladder to get to the upper shelves in my kitchen. Tall people are not discriminating against me because they can reach where I can’t. I also love me a good vertically challenged joke, because life without humor is as bland as plain, unsalted oatmeal.

“A vertically challenged man walks into a bar and the bartender asks, ‘What ‘ill it be, fella? Top shelf?’”

The Social Justice definition of “ā-bɘl’iz-əm” is the exact opposite of the English word “ableism.” SJWs want the able person to believe “ā-bɘl’iz-əm” is to discriminate against the disabled in thought, word, and deed, even when they do not know they are doing it. In being “able” you are necessarily a bad person: an ableist. If you have lots of talents that makes you a serial ableist. To deny it is an example able fragility. The same thing goes for SJW definition of the sound “rās’iz-əm.” By being “white” you are necessarily a genetically inferior, bad person: a racist. To deny it is an example white fragility. Here is a real world example. The English word “deaf” has several dictionary definitions depending on the circumstances, one of which is physiological deafness, a disability. If you call your boss deaf because she ignores your complaints about a female coworker harassing you, you have used the word correctly because your complaint fell on deaf ears. In the SJW mind, though, this makes you an “ableist” unwittingly practicing “ableism” because, somehow, in using the word correctly in a sentence, you discriminated against Rush Limbaugh, God rest his soul, who lost his hearing and had to have cochlear implants making him legally disabled. Which would have made Rush laugh at the absurdity of it all. Which would have triggered said SJW in so, so many ways. Which would have made Rush laugh even harder.

Unfortunately, the make-believe language of Social Justice is creeping through the English language like Orwellian fungal hyphae and appears immune to the light of truth. It is antithetical to rational and spiritual thinking and is spreading out from its epicenters in cities like Seattle, Portland, and Oxford via public education and social media, much like the Covid-19 virus, except its growth rate is measured in decades rather than months and it is the more likely source of the impending Zombie Apocalypse where everyone starves for lack of brains.

So the next time some neoliberal SJW gets up in your business about being an ableist, racist, phobic, gender biased, misogynist, Nazi who engages in hate speech, remember they are not speaking English and their brains are infected with the disabling Social Justice fungus. Gently let them know they are being foolish, put a little butter, salt, cinnamon, and sugar in their oatmeal, and offer to buy them a dictionary printed in the 20th Century so they study the words of the English language. Once they have learned to speak English correctly and understand all of the absurd, hurtful offal they throw at people in complete ignorance, then maybe, just maybe, the two of you can have a real, spiritual conversation about life, the universe, and everything. It is a worthy ideal to keep in your prayers.

Oxfam says reporting rape cases harms black and marginalised people

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Oxfam says reporting rape cases harms black and marginalised people, blames ‘privileged white women’ for root causes of sexual violence.

Source: Oxfam says reporting rape cases harms black and marginalised people

Founded in 1942, Oxfam is a global organization out of Oxford, England dedicated to fighting hunger, poverty, and injustice all around the world. They have a new twist on woke justice that bears examining.

An Oxfam training document recently suggested that “privileged white women” were supporting the ‘root causes of sexual violence’ for wanting assailants imprisoned because it disproportionately affects minorities.

Oxfam, which has been mired in controversies over a host of sex scandals, including claims that employees used underage prostitutes in Haiti, compiled a PowerPoint presentation through its LGBT network that claimed mainstream feminism supports ‘the root causes of sexual violence’ by presenting white women as ‘victims’ and which in turn justifies the excessive punishment for ‘black and other marginalised people’.

When Oxfam says minorities, at least in America, they are talking specifically about black men. Apparently “privileged white women” are placing some sort of evil voodoo spell on black men, compelling them to commit sexually violent acts against women at twice the rate of Caucasions, Hispanics, Asians, and Native Americans. Even worse, over 80% of their victims are black women, making this dark “white lady” magic even more sinister and powerful. Oxfam simply ignores that, at least in America, black men commit more crimes across all categories, not just rape, and their victims are almost exclusively their own race. Does this make sense to you on a rational or spiritual level?

Now that white men have been successfully labeled as the root of all society’s evils by SJW doctrine, a doctrine primarily supported by misandristic white women who suffer from white guilt over their white privilege, it is time to begin the next phase of the anti-white movement – the marginalization of white women by white women.

Based on the work of a white British author by name of Alison Phipps, Oxfam is now teaching that women are responsible for rape culture. Only God fully knows the contortions in their logic, but here is the newest teaching coming out of England.

  • Black man rapes black woman.
  • Black woman, empowered by “privileged white women” in their fight to punish bad men, reports the rape.
  • Black man is arrested, tried, and convicted of rape.
  • Black man goes to jail.
  • Putting the black man in jail for committing a crime, holding him accountable and protecting society, is discriminatory, so
  • Reporting the rape discriminates against the black man.
  • This makes the black man feel marginalized and put upon, so
  • The black man becomes triggered, grows angry, and attacks and rapes more black women,
  • Because, you know, they have it coming, listening to “privileged white women” and all.
  • And it is all because “privileged white women,” in their quest in impose their racist, white ideals on the rest of society, are interfering with the black community’s culture, no different than the police trying to interfere with the black community’s cultural ideas of law and order.

And that, readers, is how a breakaway sect of the SJW cult, a belief system overly represented by educated white women, is trying to use the broken logic of critical race theory and radical feminism to take down the world’s largest population of Caucasians, white women. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

We live in very strange times. A permanent twilight where the lunatic fringe has emerged from the shadows. I cannot turn away from this decades long, social train wreck out of sheer morbid fascination. What weirdness can possibly be next?

Warner Bros. Cancel Pepé Le Pew Amid Rape Culture Accusations, but Keeps LeBron James and Howard Wolowitz on Payroll – Part 4

What do AT&T, Hollywood, Nike, LeBron James, and the NBA all have in common? They all make huge profits in Communist China. AT&T partners with Communist corporations like Huawei that are suspected of espionage on behalf of the Chinese government. AT&T partners with the NBA. Basketball is very popular in China and the NBA also makes a lot of money in the Chi-Com market. AT&T is also a Hollywood producer. Through their alter-ego, Warner Bros, AT&T, like the rest of America’s film entertainment industry, has a lot to lose if they are blocked out of Chinese markets. This allows Communist China to dictate what all these people say and how they say it, and Beijing is a strict taskmaster. For Nike, it is no longer just about the cheap labor the Chi-Coms give them. Nike’s endorsement partnerships with NBA teams and players, as well as extensive product placement in Warner Bros. upcoming Space Jam 2, ensure growing profits in their already 7 billion dollar Chinese market.

Communist China is a brutal and extremely organized authoritarian regime with only state-run media. There is no independent news and the government controls every bit of digital media entering and leaving the country. In the nearly ten years I have been writing this blog, I have had only one view from mainland China. They abuse their ethnic minorities – Hmong, Uyghur, Tibetans, Mongolians, and the like – in a very orderly, genocidal fashion. They run their political prisons and internment camps with harsh efficiency. The same goes for their robust slave class. They hide their rape culture, sexism, and institutionalized racism behind a curtain of tightly controlled media and threats of severe retaliation against whistle-blowers.

If Hollywood wants to get a movie, say Warner’s Space Jam 2 starring avowed cop hater LeBron James, into the Chi-Com market, the entire film, script, sets, and props have to be approved by Beijing. This just isn’t a special Chinese version of the film, it is the final product that Americans, Europeans, and everywhere in the world see. Hollywood is no longer able to criticize Communist China on any level, neither is Nike, if they want Chinese money… and money is their opium. For the last 40 years Nike has been “a brand of China, and for China.” While the producers of Space Jam 2, starring cop hater LeBron James, are busy engaging in woke-virtue-signaling-marketing by canceling cartoon characters with disabilities in the name of fighting rape culture, everyone involved is mum on the atrocities occurring in Communist China. That is sickening.

China’s Tankman

When the Houston Rockets GM, Daryl Morey, broke that code of silence in October 2019 and came out in support of Hong Kong in their struggle against Communist China, it was LeBron James who publicly led the NBA’s all-channel Chinese apology. Morey threatened huge Chi-Com payouts to AT&T/Warner and Nike as well as the NBA and NBA player/Warner-movie-star/Nike endorsee LeBron “cop hater” James with a single tweet. Morey was summarily cancelled and ultimately lost his job for standing up to the Chi-Coms. In that moment, King James lent his considerable celebrity status in support of all the atrocities that Communist China has committed since its genocidal revolution, including a healthy culture of sexual violence, for money. Nike backed him 100%. A God-gifted man who had already earned enough money to support his family for generations, a man who has the money, power, and bully pulpit to stand up for what is right, simply sold out every sex trafficking and rape victim inside and outside America with a single news conference. He sold out all black women in America, who are twice as likely to get raped by a black man as white women are to get raped by a white man. If the shit-heel Social Justice Warrior, Charles Blow, wants someone to cancel, LeBron James is man, not a friggin’ cartoon character. Alas, that will not happen. Pepé is cancelled and Space Jam 2 will make bank in China. After all, the Chinese do love their basketball.

Portland police officers resign from Rapid Response Team – OPB

Officers with the Portland Police Bureau’s Rapid Response Team, the unit responsible for policing protests in the city, resigned from the team en masse Wednesday night, according to multiple sources speaking on background.

Source: Portland police officers resign from Rapid Response Team – OPB

These are ordinary men who spent the last several years trying to protect an ungrateful community against violent, leftist rioters at great personal risk. As a reward, the vast majority of the rioters who were arrested were not charged for the crimes they committed against the community and the police. Instead, it is the officers themselves who are under attack from the government. So they quit.

Hey Portland, you get what you vote for.

Portland Homicide, Gun Violence Rates Skyrocket After City Axes Gun Violence Reduction Team, Defunds Cops – CA News Forum

Portland, Oregon, has seen a “seven-fold” increase in its homicide rate, and more Portland residents have been killed this year than in all of 2019, according to a Monday report in the Seattle Times.

Source: Portland Homicide, Gun Violence Rates Skyrocket After City Axes Gun Violence Reduction Team, Defunds Cops – CA News Forum

You get what you vote for.