The Fiji Experiment: How Modern Society is Destroying Human Nature and Human Nurture

The Fiji Experiment

I spent a few days in Fiji in 1973. My best description, from the view of a seven year old boy, is 1973’s Fiji was like Gilligan’s Island. The roads were dirt paths, the homes were thatch huts, the beaches were ground seashells, and citizens led a simple life. They did not even have television. We stayed at a western hotel, as the island was already a resort destination, but the islanders still had a strong historical identity with limited western influence.

Then something happened. In 1994 Fiji launched Fiji Television Limited and western civilization invaded the hearts and minds of Fijians. Sociologists jumped at the opportunity to study the affects western television programming, and all of its ills, would have on a naive population. In 1995 they interviewed a carefully selected group of young teens girls, asking questions about self-image, identity, and culture, focusing on eating disorders and risk taking behaviors.

Three years later they interviewed a new group of young teen girls, now the same age as the first group was in 1995, with the same battery of questions. The 1998 group, now exposed to the western media’s ideals of what women should be for just three short years, showed a radical increase in eating disorders, critical self-image, and depression. In the blink of an eye, a once hopeful society that believed being plump was a sign of health and well-being, and weight loss was a sign of illness, had been infected with western neuroses by western media. They went from a simple, spiritually healthy, primarily Christian society to a society of growing psychological distress.

Once upon a time, body dysmorphic syndrome did not exist in America. The concept of ‘calories’ really did not exist, only the vice of gluttony. Then, with the advent of television, fashion magazines, and even pornography, our vision of what is ‘normal’ was reprogrammed by a tiny… I mean really tiny… group of private businesses. Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Teen Beat, Soap Opera Digest, Playboy, Hollywood, ABC, NBC, CBS, et al. For goodness sake, look at Wilma Flintstone’s waist! Look at Dolly Parton’s! And that is just the 60’s and the 70’s. Once the internet came into existence, ordinary people were enticed with impossible concepts of what we should look like, how we should behave sexually, and what it means to be human.

Things once good became warped and twisted to the detriment of western civilization. Today, it is no longer enough for parents to cancel their cable subscription and turn off the television. To protect their children they are forced into home schooling, as these “new principles” have literally become inescapable policy and curriculum.

Our world is rife with examples: The breakdown of the traditional family and the negative impact fatherlessness has on individual children and the community at large. The hypersexualization of children at younger and younger ages leading to ever-increasing rates of STIs as well and the decoupling of sex from intimacy, love, and personal responsibility. Body dysphoria that is leading to eating disorders and self-harm. Gender dysphoria that is leading to an entirely new branch of pseudoscience that denies our world is primarily a sexually binary system across life’s phyla.

All good things can, and likely will be, twisted to evil. Sex within a loving, committed marriage is a good, healthy thing. Sex without love… rape or promiscuity for instance… are unhealthy for both mind and body. It is just the degree of harm per act done that is open for debate. The good the internet has brought our world is vastly outweighed by its evils. What happened to Fiji virtually overnight has been happening to western civilization for the past 100 years. Vices have become our virtues, virtues have become our sins, and God has been dismissed by a society devoted to self.

Tuberculosis deaths rise for the first time in more than a decade due to the COVID-19 pandemic

The quick takeaway: As you would expect, health care resources are finite. The herculean effort to combat Covid-19 and its rapidly evolving variants has shifted health care resources away from many diseases, leading to dramatic increases in mortality in these non-Covid diseases. From tuberculosis, a very difficult infection to treat, to the person who dies from a heart attack because they are afraid of the emergency room, our global focus on treating Covid-19 has negatively impacted the treatment of many other diseases. The reason you do not see this story in American media is TB is a third world problem, primarily existing in 30 very poor nations. It is kind of callous, no?

The COVID-19 pandemic has reversed years of global progress in tackling tuberculosis and for the first time in over a decade, TB deaths have increased, according to the World Health Organization’s 2021 Global TB report.In 2020, more people died from TB, with far fewer people being diagnosed and treated or provided with TB preventive treatment compared with 2019, and overall spending on essential TB services falling.The first challenge is disruption in access to TB services and a reduction in resources. In many countries, human, financial and other resources have been reallocated from tackling TB to the COVID-19 response, limiting the availability of essential services.The second is that people have struggled to seek care in the context of lockdowns.“This report confirms our fears that the disruption of essential health services due to the pandemic could start to unravel years of progress against tuberculosis,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “This is alarming news that must serve as a global wake-up call to the urgent need for investments and innovation to close the gaps in diagnosis, treatment and care for the millions of people affected by this ancient but preventable and treatable disease.”TB services are among many others disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, but the impact on TB has been particularly severe.For example, approximately, 1.5 million people died from TB in 2020 (including 214 000 among HIV positive people).

TB facts

Tuberculosis (TB), the second (after COVID- 19) deadliest infectious killer, is caused by bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) that most often affect the lungs. It can spread when people who are sick with TB expel bacteria into the air – for example, by coughing.

Approximately 90 percent of those who fall sick with TB each year live in 30 countries. Most people who develop the disease are adults –in 2020 – men accounted for 56% of all TB cases, adult women accounted for 33% and children for 11%. Many new cases of TB are attributable to five risk factors: undernutrition, HIV infection, alcohol use disorders, smoking and diabetes.

TB is preventable and curable. About 85% of people who develop TB disease can be successfully treated with a 6-month drug regimen; treatment has the added benefit of curtailing onward transmission of infection.

Source: Tuberculosis deaths rise for the first time in more than a decade due to the COVID-19 pandemic

The Term CISGENDER is a Grammatical Train Wreck

cis-, prefix. (physically located) on this side. Compare to trans- (physically located on the opposite side).

Gender, noun. The grammatical distinction of sex, expressed by suffixes, prefixes, or by a different word. Actor and actress. Witch and warlock. A set of classes that together include all nouns, membership in a particular class being shown by the form of the noun itself or by the form or choice of words that modify, replace, or otherwise refer to the noun, as in English, the choice of ‘he’ to replace ‘the man’, ‘she’ to replace ‘the woman’, ‘it’ to replace ‘the table’, or ‘it’ or ‘she’ to replace ‘the ship.’ The most common being masculine, feminine, and neuter.

Biological sex (male or female).

Kind, sort, or class.

Cisgender literally means, “A structure that is always a part of gender, located on one side or the other while leaving the total sum of gender unchanged, that is appearing on this side of gender instead of the opposite side of gender.”

The term CISGENDER is gibberish – a nonsensical term meant to confuse people with its pretentious sound. It is like saying autumn leaves fly south for the winter because north is up and south is down on a map. Grammatically, CIS is to TRANS as twin is to twin – the same thing with subtle differences. If CISGENDER is defined as people who exclusively identify with their sex or gender assigned at birth, then TRANSGENDER must essentially be the same thing. The difference between CIS and TRANS, in the context of CIS, is simply molecular nomenclature. To be graphic, in the context of CIS, a CISGENDER man and a TRANSGENDER man must both have penises in order for the prefix CIS to be used correctly. The location of the penis, this side or that side, is the only thing in question.

The prefix, TRANS, is a homonym, a word with two meanings. For most people, TRANS infers some sort of travel or change. Transfer. Transport. Transition. Crossing from one place to another. What most people do not know, unless you have taken a lot of chemistry classes (five years for me), is TRANS has a second, locational definition that does not apply to the QUILTBAG community, and is used to describe three dimensional structures. On the other hand, CIS, by definition, only refers to a location in three dimensions.

cis and trans retinol

Molecules are three dimensional structures made up of atoms. During the process of molecular formation, whether in the laboratory or in nature, molecules with the same chemical structure will often form as a mix of mirror images OR identical images where a side structure can be on one side or the opposite side. They are made of the same combination atoms, but one molecule may be “right-handed” and the other, “left-handed.” The chemist uses the prefixes levo- (to the left) and dextro- (to the right), or CIS- (on this side) and TRANS- (on the opposite side) to describe these molecular differences. For example, when dextro-you looks into the mirror, levo-you is looking back. If a TRANS-twin has only the left arm, then, by definition, the CIS-twin must have only the right arm. The twins are identical except the location of the arm is on opposite sides. Levo, dextro, CIS, and TRANS are prefixes that describe related molecules in three dimensions.

The first definition of TRANS, the one applicable to the transgender population, has several synonyms: transfer, travel, change… and several antonyms: remain, stay, abide, wait, unchanged. The prefix CIS is none of the above. CIS is a locational descriptor of a three dimensional structure and only related to the prefix TRANS in this narrow context.

Another way to look at it is this:

  • In the context of CIS, you cannot have two north sides of an empty mountain. You have a southern, CIS side and a northern, TRANS side, that are locations. The mountain remains one empty mountain, one unchanged physical thing.
  • In the context of sexual TRANS, if a person comes to live on the mountain, then the mountain has transitioned from ’empty mountain’ to ‘mountain with person.’ Something has changed about the mountain.
  • In the context of CIS, If the person travels from the TRANS location of the mountain to the CIS location of the mountain, the mountain still remains ‘mountain with person.’ Only the person’s location has changed.
  • In the context of sexual TRANS, if the person feels compelled to travel from the TRANS location of the mountain to the CIS location of the mountain, they transfer locations and change from locational TRANS to locational CIS. The person is then a TRANS-person living in the CIS location, where TRANS represents a personal decision and CIS represents a physical location.

While a person can certainly be a northerner (TRANS in location), and can certainly feel they are TRANS gender (TRANS in person), there simply is no such thing as a CIS person. The prefix CIS designates a specific location, and a person cannot be the coordinates on a map. Grammatically, STAYGENDER would be an improvement, I guess, but it makes the QUILTBAGger talking sound more silly than pretentious. Really the term is simply GENDER, and you like yours or you do not. To use correct grammar, a woman should say,

“My GENDER is female, but in my mind I want to transition and transfer GENDERs to become a man in appearance and behavior, a TRANSGENDER man. If I change my mind, I will detransition, and return my mind to my biologically female GENDER,”

because, grammatically, GENDER is the starting point, the origin, the root, for the eventual development of the pyscho-sexual personality.

This is, yet again, another example of neoliberals’ wholesale creation of a Social Justice language that sounds like English, they attempt to pass off as English, but is simply not English. They are creating new, often contrary definitions for words that already have accepted definitions.

Lunatic fringe
We all know you’re out there
Can you feel the resistance
Can you feel the thunder

Red Rider

The Ultimate Quid Pro Quo: Democrats’ Socialist Spending Spree Gives Journalists a $50,000 Tax Credit | FreedomWorks

If a tree falls in the forest, and a journalist is paid to ignore it, does it make a sound? Not that you can hear, my friend. Not that you can hear.

The Democrats’ socialist spending spree is set to subsidize just about every part of Americans’ lives – from the time they are born to when they die. That’s why the Wall Street Journal has dubbed the reconciliation package as the “cradle-to-grave” legislation. This bill is riddled with terrible funding streams for all kinds of things, and in the weeks ahead, we will be informing you of some hidden pork barrel funding items in the budget reconciliation package.

Source: Democrats’ Socialist Spending Spree Gives Journalists a $50,000 Tax Credit | FreedomWorks – Kilian Laverty

The Details

  • Each quarter, any individual working for a local newspaper publisher is set to get a $12,500 tax credit. That’s $50,000 per year.
  • This is a refundable tax credit, meaning if the tax credit exceeds the publisher’s Medicare payroll taxes, the publisher will receive the difference in the form of a check from the IRS. Functionally this program works as a subsidy for publishers.
  • The average journalist earns about $42,000 annually, with an annual medicare tax of $1,250 split 50/50 between employee and employer, giving the newspaper an annual $49,375 tax credit for a $42,000 employee.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) rightly called out the Democrats’ ridiculous journalist tax credit program for exactly what it is. “Not only is this proposal a grotesque waste of taxpayer money,” said Mr. Johnson, “it would be a dangerous precedent of government collusion with the media.”

This looks an awful lot like a Democrat sponsored annual 15-20 billion dollar (or more) compensation to the Fake News media for providing years of left-wing spin, propaganda, and misinformation, in hopes the cozy relationship will continue into perpetuity. The tax credit would be available to “local” newspapers with up to 750 employees. For instance, The Oregonian Newspaper, Oregon’s largest daily paper, employs about 350 full and part-time staff. They have consistently leaned left in their reporting for decades, and will be a primary beneficiary of this tax benefit if it gets signed into law, as President Biden’s puppet masters so very much desire.

The Oregonian is also a subsidiary of Advance Publications who own scores of left-leaning media outlets, from The Ann Arbor News to Vanity Fair, who will all benefit from the Democrat’s new handout. When you add up all of Advance Publication’s total number of employees, we are talking tens of thousands in staff, from their headquarters in New York City all the way down to their smallest subsidiary in Podunk, USA, you are looking at a massive Democrat sponsored, neoliberal government giveaway to America’s largest news companies.

Fifteen billionaires control virtually all of America’s news media. This portion of the Democrat tax bill is specifically designed to benefit these men. The federal government will become, in essence, a majority stakeholder in over 95% of American newspapers. If you do not believe Advance Publications, a multi-billion dollar company owned by billionaires Don and Sam Newhouse, does not exercise left-wing editorial control over its subsidiaries, you are fooling yourself. For instance, while half of the American population supported Donald Trump’s presidential runs and presidency, only six of America’s 1200+ newspapers endorsed Donald Trump. That is statistically impossible if we had a truly free and independent press. Even without this proposed tax credit, the vast majority of American journalists rarely depart from the lockstep of neoliberal talking points. If this passes into law, journalism will become government funded propaganda in the guise of a free press. It is more insidious than Communist China.

This evil piece of quid-pro-quo pork is worth writing a letter of complaint to your representatives and senators in D.C., especially if they are a Democrat. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Government payments to journalists is state run media. It is also a violation of the First Amendment’s guarantee of a press that is not influenced by the power of government.

The Public School System is the Perfect Vehicle for Child Sex Abuse

I doubt whether we are sufficiently attentive to the importance of elementary text-books.

C.S. Lewis – The Abolition of Man

Since mankind’s beginning, feminine men, masculine women, and homosexuals have existed, regardless of time and place, as a naturally occurring part of us, the human tribe. All too often, they have been subject to ridicule, ostracism, and sexual objectification. In this article, I am not addressing these brothers and sisters in our human family. Instead, I am addressing a fraudulent psycho-social trend where sexual activists are not encouraging simple acceptance of those naturally born persons, but rather encouraging children who are not naturally transgender or homosexual to take on those traits in an effort to sow radical chaos in our society.

The below list is a common set of warning signs parents are taught so they can guard against child sex abusers. When you read it, I want you to think about the modern pseudoscientific gender curriculums that are spreading across the nation in our public schools. Teachers, wittingly, unwittingly, or under coercion have become American child sex groomers on an industrial scale. They are teaching young children to express themselves sexually in ways that will groom them for future sex abuse and experimentation that will lead not only to psychological harm, but irreversible physical harm through increased rates of STIs and to those children tricked into puberty blockers, hormone replacement therapies, and surgery.

The school districts and teachers that participate are not developing critically thinking young minds with knowledge and purpose, rather they are developing a consumer product for our hyper-sexualized society. They are turning our children into labeled sexual objects… on the sly… behind our backs. It is no different from an industrial cattle ranch where cows are force fed and given hormones to maximize profits. The cow has no knowledge of the rancher’s end purpose, and neither does the child. This should horrify you and make you sick with anger.

Signs of predatory child grooming:

  • Become a trusted member of the community
  • Become a trusted friend to child and parent
  • Become useful to the family
  • Have contact with the child without a parent present
  • Convince the child there is a special bond
  • Encourage the child to keep secrets from the parents
  • Desensitize the child to sexual topics through a sexual “curriculum”
  • Attempt to make the sexual behaviors seem “natural”

The Scientific Method is the set of “principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation of and testing of hypotheses.”

Today’s pyscho-sexual, gender fluid curriculums are not a product of the Scientific Method. Rather, they are unnatural, junk science. Pseudoscience. Nescience. The stages of human biological and psychological development from birth to maturity are well studied and wholly refute all the neoliberal “gender” education that is being forced on America’s children.

While American adults… parents, grandparents, people educated in the hard sciences, and conservative journalists… can ring the alarm and point out the evils of these curriculums, it is the teachers themselves that need to push back. Very few American families have the resources to commit to private education or home schooling, leaving 50 million American children at the mercy of the public school system. We have reached a moment where public school teachers are having their faith sorely tested. If you teach, you have a moral responsibility to protect the children in your care. You have to organize other teachers and stand united and fight this new form of child abuse. If you fail in this moral imperative, you will be complicit in one of the greatest evils ever perpetrated in American history – the psychological destruction of entire generations of children.

Anyone who welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. But anyone who is an obstacle to bring down one of these little ones who have faith in me would be better drowned in the depths of the sea with a great millstone round his neck. Alas for the world that there should be such obstacles! Obstacles indeed there must be, but alas for the man who provides them!

Jesus – Matthew 18:5-7

Tanner Cross: Virginia Supreme Court rejects Loudoun’s attempt to challenge order reinstating teacher | Fox News

The Virginia Supreme Court has refused an appeal from Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS), leaving in place a lower court ruling that required the school district to reinstate teacher Tanner Cross.

Source: Tanner Cross: Virginia Supreme Court rejects Loudoun’s attempt to challenge order reinstating teacher | Fox News

Cross, a physical education teacher, sparked an uproar this summer when he told the school board that he wouldn’t “affirm that a biological boy can be a girl and vice versa because it’s against my religion.”

During the speech, he added that “it’s lying to a child, it’s abuse to a child, and it’s sinning against our God.”

Thank you Mr. Cross for standing up for the truth!

Walgreens closing 5 more San Francisco stores due to theft | Fox Business

Walgreens is closing an additional five stores in San Francisco, citing retail theft that has been plaguing California retailers.

Source: Walgreens closing 5 more San Francisco stores due to theft | Fox Business

I remember a few years ago Nancy Pelosi made the claim, “a glass of water with a D next to it,” could get elected in her district. That is funny, because California’s citizens, San Francisco in this instance, consistently vote for neoliberal politicians who bring this sort of chaos upon their communities. I am no fan of Walgreens, they are an evil organization who abuses their employees and embraces cultural wokeness, but the company and its employees have a right to expect to live and work in a community that is governed by the rule of law. When registered Democrats (Walgreens employees included) elect Democrat political leaders who cancel the rule of law, those voters are directly responsible for the consequences. Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles are all getting what they voted for… the sort of criminal chaos found in comic books and third world nations. San Franciscans just stabbed themselves in the eye five more frickin’ times, while red America sits back and laughs.

The definition of the word GENDER – It’s probably not what you think

An interesting factoid before we begin. Eating disorders and other body dysmorphic syndromes did not exist on the island of Fiji until the islanders were introduced to western television programming. Keep this in mind while you read.

Since mankind’s beginning, feminine men, masculine women, and homosexuals have existed, regardless of time and place, as a naturally occurring part of us, the human tribe. All too often, they have been subject to ridicule, ostracism, and sexual objectification. In this article, I am not addressing these brothers and sisters in our human family. Instead, I am addressing a fraudulent psycho-social trend where sexual activists are not encouraging simple acceptance of those naturally born persons, but rather encouraging children who are not naturally transgender or homosexual to take on these traits, along with a plethora of newly imagined classes of sexual identification, in an effort to sow radical chaos in our society.

Indoctrinating America’s children with a false overlay, a swirling, ever-changing redefinition of sexual biology, in place of the simple reality of a binary system of male and female, is doing irreversible damage to their psychological and physical well-being. Using only pseudo-scientific theories that fly in the face of proven scientific facts and a fake dictionary filled with misnomers, today’s sexual activists are essentially teaching a fatalist system of human identification. When a ten year old girl is taught she is a “demiboy ISFP pyschogender biological personality,” one of 1024 defined biological personality/gender types, rather than a simple little girl who is who she is, it breaks my heart. It should break yours as well. Children would NEVER come up with this nonsense on their own. These ideas would never occur to them in the wild. They just want to go outside and run and play. They want to color and paint and build sandcastles. They want to go on imaginary adventures in secret worlds and discover themselves on their own. They certainly do not want the hand-wringing worries of neurotic adults forced on them in a captive environment where they lack the knowledge, maturity, ability, or right to question, debate, disagree with, and resist indoctrination. The modern adult world is cynical, jaded, and X-rated. We, the grownups, are already scarred by the evils of this world. We have seen and cannot unsee the darkest deprivations of mankind. We, the grownups, have a moral responsibility to shield our young from this world until such time as they are mature enough to objectively cope with the demons and evils their elders have created… and we have failed. As a society, we are unwittingly subjecting our children to an unhealthy indoctrination they can neither fight nor escape. We need to do better. We need to stand up and push back against the lunatic fringe.

The English word, GENDER (‘jen-dər), has taken a significant beating since the turn of the century. It is a term that has been co-opted and altered by neoliberal, sexual activists in their quest to muddy the waters of biological sciences and breed a radical expansion of divisive, destructive identity politics. Their sole purpose is to sew the seeds of social chaos and redefine what qualifies as a victim to the point where society is flooded with unnecessary neuroses and neurotic victims who then can claim their due compensation, special treatment, and the exacted revenge that comes with victim status. They do not care who they damage along the way.

Here is today’s 21st Century popular (but fictional) definition of the term GENDER:

  • Noun. The category to which a person is assigned by self on the basis of sex OR a similar category of human beings that is OUTSIDE the male/female binary classification and is based on the individual’s personal awareness or identity.

Here is the definition of the term PERSONALITY:

  • Noun. The complex of characteristics that distinguishes an individual. The total of an individual’s behavioral and emotional traits.

The similarity in the two definitions cannot be overlooked. They are synonyms.

Here is the 20th Century REAL definition of the term GENDER (from nine printed dictionaries and grammar handbooks dating from 1940 to 1990):

  1. Noun. The grammatical distinction of sex, expressed by suffixes, prefixes, or by a different word. Actor and actress. Witch and warlock. Buck and doe. A set of classes that together include all nouns, membership in a particular class being shown by the form of the noun itself or by the form or choice of words that modify, replace, or otherwise refer to the noun, as in English, the choice of ‘he’ to replace ‘the man’, ‘she’ to replace ‘the woman’, ‘it’ to replace ‘the table’, or ‘it’ or ‘she’ to replace ‘the ship.’ The most common being masculine, feminine, and neuter.
  2. Biological sex (male or female).
  3. Kind, sort, or class.
  • Verb. To beget. To engender. To copulate. To breed. To produce by sexual union. To bring into being. To produce. To cause to exist. To cause to bring forth.

In reality GENDER is either a grammatical term like participle or interrogative pronoun, or a binary identification of biological sex, and has nothing to do with personal awareness, personal identity, personal behavior, or personal emotional traits. It is nothing like the neo-definition of gender or the definition of personality.

Here is a excerpt from the 13th Edition of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine (the medical student’s bible):

GENDER Although most illnesses affect both men and women, there are notable exceptions. By definition, disorders affecting the reproductive tract occur exclusively in one gender. Others, such as carcinoma of the breast, rarely occur in men, whereas recessive disorders linked to the X chromosome, such as hemophilia and Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy, are far more common in males.

What the sexual activists have done is change the definition of GENDER to mean a person’s psycho-sexual personality. Just as there are at least 16 specific psychological personality types, the sexual activist community has come up with an additional 64 primary gender descriptors, and just as everyone does have a unique personality, everyone must have a unique, self-identified gender that is fluid, evolving, and maturing over time (funny coincidence – 16, 64, and their multiple, 1024, are base 2, or binary numbers). If a person’s self-identified 21st Century GENDER does not conform with the traditional 20th Century definition of GENDER, that person gains a celebrated intersection of victimhood and subsequent protected status.

This new identification system, this neoliberal created taxonomy, only works if the real definition of GENDER is one’s sexual personality above and beyond the basic binary system of male/female biology. But it isn’t, because GENDER is an archaic term with Latin roots that is meant only to assign agreed upon terms of feminization or masculinization of persons, places, and things, not to define infinite personalities with infinite identifiers. Even the extremely rare genetic chimeras, hermaphrodites and pseudohermaphrodites (intersexuals), are still limited to the binary gender expressions of XX and XY chromosomes. One, the other, or both. There is no YY or WZ. Aside from noting that “he” can be feminine and “she” can be masculine, the term GENDER has nothing to do with a person’s psycho-sexual makeup. It is just basic grammar, an art long lost in public education.

The average English speaking adult only knows about 20,000 to 30,000 words out of our half million word lexicon. That number is diminishing over time. With roughly 8 billion people on Earth, each with their own distinct psycho-sexual personality, their sexual development story so to speak, it is neither possible nor reasonable to expect everyone to automatically know, remember, and articulate all of the subtle nuances of how everyone else identifies sexually or otherwise. Not to mention that people frequently misjudge, often quite badly, their own personality. Thus, while every person’s life is worthy of a lengthy biography, most autobiographies are complete works of fiction, and the term GENDER was never meant to encompass either.

Lunatic fringe
We all know you’re out there
Can you feel the resistance
Can you feel the thunder

Red Rider

Georgia Dem would rather keep Confederate monument than raise Clarence Thomas statue | Fox News

A Georgia Democrat has denounced the idea of raising a statue of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas statue, saying she would prefer to keep a Confederate monument.

Source: Georgia Dem would rather keep Confederate monument than raise Clarence Thomas statue | Fox News

The proposal to display a statue of Thomas on the Georgia statehouse grounds has proved divisive among the legislature. Georgia Republicans have strongly endorsed the plan, but Georgia Democrats have taken a more hardline opposition.

“I’d rather them keep a Confederate monument than a statue of Clarence Thomas,” Democratic state Rep. Donna McLeod told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “That’s how much I don’t like the idea.”

Donna McLeod is black. She is a highly intelligent, well educated business owner living all aspects of the American dream, and also a walking neoliberal talking point. She is a BLM supporter, protester, and all around political activist. She believes black folk are not personally responsible to feed themselves on election day and despises white men, or anyone for that matter, who believe otherwise, calling them inhumane. In other words, she holds that personal responsibility… honorable personal behavior… is literally sinful behavior for people of color… “people of color” meaning people of varying shades that can find a small modicum of African roots onto which they blame their personal failings.

Unfortunately her support for black lives is subject to an ideological test. McLeod is offended by conservative blacks like Clarence Thomas – a highly intelligent, well educated Supreme Court justice who is also an independent, conservative thinker who will not be swayed by ill-thought rhetoric. For her, it is not enough to have African roots and slave roots. To be “black” you must see the world through the neoliberal lens. You must kneel before the echo chamber of neoliberal groupthink. Period. Therefore, in her mind, Justice Thomas needs to be cancelled, not celebrated for rising above or looked up to as an example of black excellence. He is a black life that does not matter to Donna McLeod. What a foolish woman.

Sinema being stalked in bathroom follows months of liberal media pressure against Arizona Democrat | Fox News

Migrant activists chase Sen. Sinema into bathroom and ...

The disturbing image of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., being followed into a bathroom Sunday as left-wing activists urged her to back a massive spending bill follows months of liberal media pressure against the quixotic politician.

Source: Sinema being stalked in bathroom follows months of liberal media pressure against Arizona Democrat | Fox News

You  can watch the whole video here as this evil woman and her evil little followers stalk and intimidate Senator Sinema in what is supposed to be a safe space, a public toilet.

California prisons consider gender-identity housing requests – Los Angeles Times

There have been more than 260 requests for housing transfers this year under a new law that gives transgender, intersex and nonbinary inmates the right, regardless of anatomy, to be housed based on their gender identity.

Source: California prisons consider gender-identity housing requests – Los Angeles Times

This is an interesting read. It appears that NOBODY wants to be in a men’s prison. Trans women, trans men, biological men, biological women… they all want to get a cell in the women’s prison. Trans men, if they go to a men’s prison are just going to be beaten, raped, and despite being “men” they will get pregnant due to their female gender, meaning the men’s prison will have to open a maternity ward. Trans women, if they remain in a men’s prison, will also get beaten and raped. Men in prison still want sex and are willing to go outside their preferences for sexual gratification. Trans women, once in a women’s prison, might be tempted to have sex with biological women, and occasionally get them pregnant. Once again, it may or may not be to their preference, but they will take what they can get. Straight men are going to lie about identifying as women in order to get into the women’s prison. Then the women’s prison will have to open a maternity ward.

So who are the biggest losers in this entire debate? Just as in athletics, it is biological women getting screwed! They are the ones who might risk consensual relations with a biological man or get raped by a biological man while incarcerated. They are the ones who will get violated… get pregnant. Where are their rights in all this?