We are Living in the Prequel to Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451

Part 5 – Where THE END Began – Common Core

“I don’t talk things, sir,” said Faber. “I talk the meaning of things. I sit here and know I’m alive.”

In the world of role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons, player characters controlled by the players match wits with non-player characters, known as NPCs, controlled by the dungeon master who coordinates the adventure. NPCs do not think for themselves. They do not question the philosophic truths and mores of their environment. There is no critical thinking. They cannot suddenly change sides and rebel against the game’s coordinator. They simply echo the echo chamber.

Turning an entire nation into NPC groupthink requires an educational system to conform at all levels. A Common Core, if you will. Bradbury describes the dumbing down of education and the relaxing of social and academic discipline as a root cause in the decline in critical thinking. He predicted the public school system’s hatred of charter schools and homeschooling programs because they skirt core indoctrination and teach non-revisionist history and critical thinking skills. He predicted the rise of Head-Start to begin the social indoctrination of children at younger and younger ages. He predicted a relentless deep state beast that will not stop until everyone conforms and is living in a vast echo chamber of self-affirming ideology. He predicted the NPC revolution, that generation who gives up their individual identity in favor of groupthink’s echo chamber. He predicted that anyone who gives pause to question or debate the echo chamber will be labeled as antisocial and radical. He also predicts it will be lawful and encouraged to hate and bully those same people in an attempt to force them to conform… not to merely check their white privilege, but to check their very soul. The F451 definition of happiness is that moment the individual conforms to groupthink and the echo chamber, no matter how miserable they feel.

This is where we are today. Left-wing politicians, BLM, ANTIFA, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, CBS, the BBC, HuffPost, the New York Times, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, public education institutions, the NBA, MLB, and the NFL have become one vast echo chamber with only a single allowed point of view. Within these organizations any dissenting opinion is dealt with in the harshest terms, including extreme bullying, termination, and black-listing. They approve of and encourage leftist rioting and violence while vilifying and attacking anyone or anything that supports traditional American values. Ray Bradbury predicted it all.

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Irregular citizen, undocumented citizen: Illegal alien, a person who violated American sovereignty and American law by entering the country illegally.

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Hate speech: Any sort of debate and alternate point of view that disagrees with the ANTIFA, BLM, QUILTBAG, and the Democrat Party echo chamber. See antisocial, free speech.

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Free speech: Speech approved by those inside the echo chamber. Speech used by protesters to bully and intimidate individuals and communities. See hate speech.

We are Living in the Prequel to Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451

Part 4 – Reverse definitions, doublethink, and doublespeak.

George Orwell is not the only author to predict that future societies will revise the meaning of words and phrases to suit the echo chamber’s goals. Bradbury’s analogy is simple. In the real world, firemen are first responders who put out fires and save people and possessions. As time progresses in the world of F451, firemen become the opposite. They arrest people and burn their possessions. The history of firefighters is then erased and replaced with the false narrative that Ben Franklin espoused the burning of books and founded the Firemen.

Let’s take the phrase, black lives matter. Of course, black lives matter. Planned Parenthood protesters have peacefully been saying black lives matter since Roe v Wade. Christian abolitionists said black lives matter for centuries. America, as a society, has been rejecting racism and bigotry for over fifty years because black lives matter. All lives matter, black, white, male, female, gay, straight, and everything in between. Even people you do not like. So, yes, black lives matter, but Black Lives Matter does not give one shitty little damn about black lives. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization that, among other evil intents, is founded on the principle that white lives DO NOT matter.

Bradbury also discusses reverse laws. Driving too slow, walking along the street, real conversation, and reading books have become illegal, while driving recklessly, intentionally running over pedestrians, and arson have become legal. We live in a time where our expectations of the rule of law are being turned upside-down. President Trump was impeached solely for defending himself against impeachment. Roving bands of BLM and ANTIFA rioters are violating the law and people’s rights every day with government permission, while people engaging in self-defense or going to church are being charged with crimes. Up is down and down is up, and we can thank radical minorities for the mess. They are the ones so desperate to get their way, that they are cutting a swath through the law to destroy their perceived enemies. They foolishly think they are winning some sort of social justice along the way, but without equal rule of law for all, there is justice for none. The secret here is, once the rule of law has been mowed down, those fools will lose their rights no different than the society they hoped to overthrow.

Monty Python’s Life of Biden

I accidentally tuned into the August 18th opening advert of the DNC while driving home. I was trying to get the Buck Sexton Show and did not realize the station had switched over to DNC coverage. At first, I thought I was listening to Freedom Hut spoof, as all the claims in the advert were a bunch of messianic bupkis, but as the minutes went on, I realized I was listening to a DNC approved work of fiction – a montage where Joe Biden was a saintly, miracle-working demigod.

What? Joe Biden is a block of wood. An empty suit. An empty desk. He is (fill in the blank) literally. I have been watching him over the past year and the mediocre, corrupt, political player of the past is gone. His current behavior is consistent with and suggestive of age-related dementia. When he was young his moral compass was broken. Now that he is old, he has no compass at all and is lost in the fog. If Democrat voters think a vote for Biden is anything other than a vote for the Harris/Pelosi 2021 ticket, they are being willfully ignorant.

Now you listen here, he is not the messiah, he’s a very naughty boy!

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Riot: A peaceful gathering of conservatives in support of the rule of law as prescribed in the Constitution, ie, white folk, Christians, supporters of the 2nd Amendment, with no violence, vandalism, or looting. See protest.

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Self-defense: The justifiable and legal activity mobs of violent protesters engage in while assaulting law-enforcement officers. The illegal activity individuals engage in to defend themselves against mobs of violent protesters. see ANTIFA.

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Protest: Lawful acts of violence and property destruction committed by an organized mob in order to intimidate individuals and the local community. See social justice.

We are Living in the Prequel to Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451

Part 3 – The Power of Destruction

Bradbury’s opens the world of F451 with destruction. Destroying things gives destroyers immediate, visceral pleasure, and a sense of power. Something that takes time, intelligence, and talent to create, say a book, statue, building, or city, can be demolished in a single, euphoric moment by an illiterate mob craving self-importance and self-affirmation. Bullies who knock others down to build themselves up. Might makes right. Tearing down a statue of Christopher Columbus does nothing to educate Americans about the context in which the statue was made. The difference between vandalism, terrorism, and demolition is simply a matter of rule of law. In 2020 America, thanks to leftist politicians like Nancy Pelosi, domestic terror groups such as ANTIFA and BLM, and brainwashed young adults who refuse to think for themselves, the rule of law is rapidly crumbling. The rule of law, an ideal thousands of years in the making, is being rapidly destroyed by radicals in their desperate bid to bend culture to their will.

American law was offended when terrorists ran passenger jets into the Twin Towers on 9/11. So offended that we went to war and eventually caught and killed Osama Bin Laden. In stark contrast, today we are suffering under the domestic terrorism of ANTIFA and BLM while American law is giving them permission to riot. Their acts of destruction, intimidation, violence, and murder are now lawful in many cities and states, and self-defense against these lethal mobs is a felony.

These people and their NPC supporters are fools who cannot see past the end of their nose. Just as nature abhors a vacuum, people will not tolerate lawless behavior for long. This fall America votes. We will either vote for a return to conservative, constitutional rule of law, or we will vote to install a new brand of government that will ease us into totalitarianism with a baited hook.

Lady Justice: that notion that laws ought to be just, and the rule of law ought to be applied to all of mankind without prejudice.


The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Racist: 1. Anyone who believes people should be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. 2. A title that can be attached to any person who debates woke teachings in order to cancel their arguments without actually rebutting them. See Nazi, phobic.

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Cultural sensitivity: White, Anglo-Saxon, Christian culture is inferior to all other cultures. Whites of European descent must demean their culture in deference to other cultures without appropriating anything from other cultures. See cultural appropriation.

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Cultural appropriation: The ultimate segregation. White people are not allowed to purchase, cook, eat, or have anything to do with anything of non-white, Anglo-Saxon, Christian origin. Including corn and potatoes. See white privilege.

We are Living in the Prequel to Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451

Part 2 – Minority Rule

The most critical, and most forgotten, foundation of F451 is it is radical minorities seeking vengeful justice that start the movement towards groupthink in order to eradicate social norms they disagree with. Minorities, in their quest for revenge for perceived wrongs at the hands of society at large, create the doctrine of the revolution…the new rules for Social Justice. The more intersections you have, say a gender dysphoric, short, white, lesbian woman who identifies as a tall, straight, white man, gets lots of justice points. You need justice points if you want to have a say in redefining right and wrong. At the same time, a real straight, white man who identifies as a straight, white man, gets no points… and must apologize… and protest himself by gathering in large packs and singling out lone white men who are innocently walking by with an American flag in hand… and beating and robbing them, all because that is what the new Social Justice dictates. There are only two things that do not count as intersections, real white skin and real male gender. No justice points for white men means no voice, except to reverberate the echo chamber.

When radical minorities cry out for equality, what they really want is to vengefully force all people to conform to their twisted point of view. The deep state government and the media simply take advantage of these radical minority groups as a means to an end… power over the masses. That is F451’s foundation. It is already history in the world of F451, but that battle is our present day… and why Seattle and Portland have become such doublethink shit-hole cities where ordinary citizens wring their hands over the madness, yet continue to support the political leaders and community organizers who are the root cause of the new lawless culture… all because the Orange Man is Bad. President Trump represents the old idea of a fireman, someone who attempts to put out fires and save people and their property. The leaders of Portland and Seattle, as well as leftist leaders all around the country, represent the firemen of F451, who let property burn and people get hurt and killed.

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Censorship: The necessary suppression of wrongthink by publishers, platforms, and information indexes such as Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and Google, to further leftist indoctrination of emerging generations of American youth. See demonetization and cancel culture.

*Over the coming weeks the definition links will be updated upon release.

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Social media: Platforms that support leftist groupthink, and encourage bullying or suppression of alternate points of view. Platforms that discourage critical thinking and philosophical discussion in favor of illiterate mob rule. See echo chamber, antisocial.