Donald Trump Wins Vermont Primary, Democrats Rig Outcome

Voting Democrats outnumber voting Republicans in the state of Vermont by more than a 2:1 margin. That would imply that for every one vote cast in the Republican primary election, there should be two or more votes cast in the Democrat primary election. In 2020 over 157,000 Democrats turned out for a very competitive primary with Bernie Sanders crushing the opposition with almost 80,000 votes. Less than 39,000 Republicans turned out for the 2020 primary race in Vermont which Donald Trump handily won with 34,669 votes.

Fast forward to 2024. With 92% of the Democrat vote counted in Vermont, only 62,000 votes had been cast for Democrat candidates in the primary, less than half the 157,000 votes from 2020. Correspondingly, almost 70,000 votes were cast for Republican candidates, nearly twice the 39,000 votes of 2020. In 2024, similar to the 2020 Republican primary results, Donald Trump garnered about 34,000 votes, just as you would have expected.

At the same time in 2024 that an anemic 62,000 votes were cast for Democrat candidates in Vermont, a robust 70,000 votes were cast for Republican candidates. How does this make sense? Even with a lackluster Democrat turnout and a motivated Republican turnout, the conservatives should never have outnumbered the NeoLibs in Vermont. In a state where 2/3 of the population are liberals and only 1/3 are conservatives, why is there such a disparity in 2024? The voting returns should have produced a result of at least 87,000 votes for Democrat candidates compared with 40,000 votes for Republican candidates. At best, the Republicans could turnout 60,000, but never 70,000 votes. Well, there is an easy answer.

Vermont is one of twenty-six states with open primaries where voters can cross party lines and vote for their opponents. 25,000 or so registered Vermont Democrats, knowing Joe Biden had no serious competition, crossed the road and voted in the Republican primary for Nikki Haley in an attempt to upset Donald Trump. Exit polling interviews showed that none of these people had any intention of voting for Nikki Haley in the general election. Democrats of low character cast their vote simply to sabotage the democratic process.

The truth is, among Republican voters, Donald Trump overwhelmingly defeated Nikki Haley in Vermont 34,000 votes to 10,000 votes at best, and the cheaters in the Democrat party are not fooling anyone.

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