‘Doomsday Clock’ Unchanged Under Biden Despite Nuclear Threat

By Tristan Justice:

We might be able to stop an asteroid, but not incompetent leadership.

Source: ‘Doomsday Clock’ Unchanged Under Biden Despite Nuclear Threat

On Tuesday, Politico reported that the U.S. and allied intelligence agencies will beef up surveillance of the Kremlin’s nuclear arsenal in response to another round of what have now become routine threats from President Vladimir Putin. As he announced his country’s first war mobilization since World War II with the calling up of 300,000 reservists, Putin made clear that the country’s use of nuclear weapons was a real possibility.

Despite the heightened rhetoric from a frustrated Moscow now engaged in a months-long war, the infamous “Doomsday Clock” remains unchanged from January 2020 at 100 seconds to midnight. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, which sets the made-up clock, refused to inch the hands closer to global catastrophe in March after the major war broke out between Russia and Ukraine. Putin even began the invasion with a warning that other nations who intervene will “face consequences that you have never seen.”

Six months later, a spokesman for the Bulletin told The Federalist that no changes would be made until the group’s scientists meet in November and discuss what time it will be in January.

Tristan Justice is the western correspondent for The Federalist. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. His work has also been featured in Real Clear Politics and Fox News. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow him on Twitter at @JusticeTristan or contact him at Tristan@thefederalist.com.

FBI raids home of Catholic pro-life speaker, author with guns drawn as his terrified kids watch – LifeSite

‘The kids were all just screaming. It was all just very scary and traumatic,’ Ryan-Marie Houck described.

Source: FBI raids home of Catholic pro-life speaker, author with guns drawn as his terrified kids watch – LifeSite

Mark Houck is the founder and president of The King’s Men, which promotes healing for victims of pornography addiction and promotes Christian virtues among men in the United States and Europe.

Ryan-Marie, who is a homeschooling mother, described how the SWAT team of 25 to 30 FBI agents swarmed their property with around 15 vehicles at 7:05 a.m. this morning. Having quickly surrounded the house with rifles in firing position, “they started pounding on the door and yelling for us to open it.”

Why did this all happen? Mark Houck had the courage to defend his 12 year old son from a verbally abusive male pro-abortion activist on the public sidewalk outside an abortion clinic. This never happens to the radical leftists who attack pro-life clinics. We have a two tier justice system that selectively prosecutes conservatives and Christians. Evil are the days when the bad guys can put the good guys in jail and destroy their lives.

The Hypocrisy of the NeoLiberal Left, From BLM to Antifa, From Clinton to Biden, From New York to San Francisco, and all Their Ilk, Explained in One Paragraph

The more base and corrupt a man, the more ready is he to charge crimes to others. Those who want credit for good character foolishly believe that the best way to get it is to denounce others. Vicious people like a monopoly on their vices, and when they find others with the same vices, they condemn them with an intensity that the good never feel. All one has to do to learn the faults of men is to listen to their favorite charges against others.

Fulton Sheen, Life of Christ. 1960

Catholic Archbishop Fulton Sheen was one of the leading theologians, authors, and evangelists of the 20th Century.

In this speech, President Biden accused me, a man he has never met and knows nothing about, of being a festering evil that is threatening the very core of our democratic republic. He is really speaking about himself and those like him.

When you are accused of being a racist by someone you never met simply because you are white, it is they that are racist. When you are called a misogynist by someone you never met because you are a man, it is they who are the hater, the misandrist. If you are a parent who fights against the sexual exploitation of your children, you will labeled a domestic terrorist by your own government. If you foolishly participated in the January 6th riot, you are an insurrectionist, yet if you participated in the over 500 riots that tore America apart with violence, murder, destruction, and the temporary overthrow of local governments and police during 2020, you were just peaceful protesters crying out for justice. The list of examples is nearly endless. Those who are sewing the seeds of hatred and division in America are blaming those who are resisting evil. The Trump/Russia collusion story was a Clinton-paid-for fake. A nothing burger. The Hunter Biden laptop scandal is very real. Hillary Clinton’s illegal, private server was a very real breech of national security, while the raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home is purely political theater. It is human nature for evil people to accuse their enemies of being evil.