HHS Finalizes Rule on Insurer Price Transparency | MedPage Today – another Trump victory the left-wing press will never acknowledge.

A final HHS rule issued Thursday requires most private health insurers to begin sharing public and real-time information on prices and cost-sharing. Starting in 2022, companies will have to publish their negotiated rates for in-network and out-of-network providers and services as well as for in-network prescription drug prices.

Source: HHS Finalizes Rule on Insurer Price Transparency | MedPage Today

From health services to drug prices, the Trump administration has been pushing for this since his election. You would never have this information if Hillary Clinton had been elected. If Joe Biden wins next week, the Harris/Pelosi ticket will take credit for it in 2022 without any mention of President Trump from Fake News. You heard it here first, and you can thank Trump supporters for this win.

The Four Histories of Christopher Columbus and Why SJWs Hate Him

Like many Americans, those who went to public school and managed to actually pay attention, I learned only the most basic outline of Columbus’s initial discovery of the Americas. When the violent mobs of BLM, ANTIFA, SJWs, and NPCs began their national bully campaign of social intimidation and started tearing down statues of historical figures, I did not understand why Columbus got caught up in the ‘let’s erase history’ movement. Luckily for me, I had an inside source who explained the history behind the vitriolic hatred for Columbus. This is a summary of our conversation about the history of Christopher Columbus.

History Number 1: Elementary School

Italian merchant and explorer, Christopher Columbus, convinced Spanish Queen Isabella to fund his attempt to find a westward, oceanic route to India. He took three ships, the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria, crossed the Atlantic, and ran into the Americas. A friendly exchange took place and Columbus returned to Europe having discovered the New World. A benign little story that left out all the geo-political context of the 15th century Europe, Persia, Asia, and Africa.

History Number 2: Washington Irving’s 1828 anthology, A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus

A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus is a romantic, fictional account of Columbus’ many endeavors as an intrepid explorer. The anthology sold very well in the United States and is the foundation of our romantic notion that Columbus was a noble hero. While a work of fiction, it was the only history of Columbus that Americans would be exposed to for generations. Without Irving’s work of fiction, Columbus’ history of greatness would have remained infamous.

History Number 3: What Columbus really did after his first voyage.

Columbus returned to the Caribbean, and in a nutshell, enslaved and slaughtered the Taino people that were indigenous to Haiti and the Bahamas. The Taino were a flourishing culture of an estimated 250,000 that Columbus nearly wiped off the face of the Earth. Once the Taino were destroyed, Columbus moved on to other islands, raining destruction down upon the inhabitants. While European diseases were a primary cause of death among these people, Columbus’ abuse of native peoples made him a historically notorious individual, yet he went to the grave believing he was doing God’s work. His behaviors, in the context of the time, were normal, accepted practices, and were repeated by other men of every race all around the planet. A history as dark as his is nothing to be romanticized and celebrated on a national or international level. Removing Columbus’ false hero status and everything that aggrandizes him is social justice for the cultures he destroyed. That is where SJWs drop the microphone.

History Number 4: The need for Romantic Columbus

America used to be the world’s melting pot. We are the most diverse nation on Earth, and there was a time, before the Social Justice Movement, where people of every culture came and shared their traditions, recipes, and styles with the rest of the nation. Then SJWs and their NPC followers got all hung up on the theory of Cultural Appropriation, the idea that, instead of America being the nation of cultural exchange, it was a nation of white people stealing everyone else’s secret recipe of eleven herbs and spices.
Historically, integration has always been a difficult process. Originally, America was colonized by W.A.S.P.s – white, Anglo-Saxon, protestants. The prejudices and bigotry that existed between European nations were ancient, deeply held hatreds, so each wave of immigrants roiled the existing status quo. The English, Irish, French, Germans, and Italians all hated each other. The ethnic and religious bigotry in densely populated American urban areas would often boil over leading to violence.
One thing that is unique to American culture, that does not exist anywhere else in the world, is the national celebration of ethnic holidays. Having everyone celebrate ethnic holidays brings us together in our melting pot. Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s day, Octoberfest, Mardi Gras, Chinese New Year, Martin Luther King Day, and Cinco de Mayo are all good reasons to eat, drink, and make merry no matter your DNA.
In the late 19th Century, the anti-Italian sentiment was at a boiling point. After a New Orleans mob lynched eleven Italian immigrants in 1892, President Harrison declared Columbus Day a national holiday as a way to provide Italian Americans a measure of inclusivity. Perhaps Christopher Columbus was not the best choice, but Harrison was likely influenced by Washington Irving’s fictional history of Columbus and knew the Italians were proud of Columbus’ contribution to Eurocentric history. Since then, Columbus Day has been a day for Americans of Italian heritage to share their culture with the rest of the country. For a century Italian school children benefited from the false narrative that Christopher Columbus was a hero. Columbus was Italian, so that made being Italian okay in America.

So there you have it.

Christopher Columbus was a bad man. The only good he ever did in this world, bringing a measure of inclusivity to Italian Americans at a time when everyone hated them, was based on a fictional account of a man he never was. When the illiterate ANTIFA BLM mob demands the destruction of Columbus’ statues and the erasure of all things Columbus, that is the history they are trying to wipe from the books.

Knight’s Dictionary of Real Definitions for Social Justice Vocabulary – a journey to the upside-down

Ableism: Discriminating against people who are unable to perform tasks by having someone who can do the task do the task so the task actually gets done.

Ableist: A person who unwittingly discriminates against people with disabilities in thought, word, and action.

ANTIFA: A peaceful terrorist organization that promotes peace through necessary violence and strengthens community infrastructure through vandalism, property destruction, social intimidation, and antisemitism.

Antisocial: a F451 term for people who believe that talking freely outside of the echo chamber is healthy. Anyone who debates groupthink.

Black Lives Matter: White lives do not matter. BLM wants to eradicate racism by getting rid of white people, eradicate the nuclear family and end fatherhood, while encouraging black on black crime.

Bullying: The necessary use of intimidation to correct people who engage in wrongthink.

Cancel culture: The necessary isolation of, intimidation of, demonetization of, and blacklisting anyone engaging in wrongthink and hate speech.

Censorship: The necessary suppression of wrongthink by publishers, platforms, and information indexes such as Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and Google, to further leftist indoctrination of emerging generations of American youth. See demonetization and cancel culture.

Cisgender: noting or relating to a person whose gender identity corresponds with that person’s sex assigned at birth.

Climate Change: Global warming that did not happen, leaving the world sadly intact without an Armaggedon-like ending where radical leftists could say, “I told you so!”
Seriously, what kind of madness is it when a group dedicated to a political ideology actually wishes for the end of the world simply to win an argument? And is actually disappointed when their rending of clothes and gnashing of teeth is for naught? Sort of sounds religious, doesn’t it? Who do they worship? ManBearPig?

Cultural appropriation: The ultimate segregation. White people are not allowed to purchase, cook, eat, or have anything to do with anything of non-white, Anglo-Saxon, Christian origin. Including corn and potatoes. See white privilege.

Demonetization: The act of blocking advertisers from sponsoring content that disagrees with progressive leftism. See censorship.

Echo chamber: The place where all debate and subsequent decisions are made. Voices outside the echo chamber are wrongthink. See safe space.

Equity: 1. The amount of advantage or head start a person is given over white, Christian, straight men, based on said person’s number of intersections. 2. Limiting opportunities available to persons with abilities beyond 1 standard deviation above “normal.”

Free speech: Speech approved by those inside the echo chamber. Speech used by radical, left-wing protesters to bully and intimidate individuals and communities. See hate speech.

Gender: The category to which a person is assigned by self on the basis of sex OR a similar category of human beings that is OUTSIDE the male/female binary classification and is based on the individual’s personal awareness or identity.

Gender bias: The belief there are only two genders, regardless of drugs or plastic surgery.

Gender dysphoria: a hate speech term that used to be a DSM-5 psychiatric diagnosis.

Gender identification: a non-scientific method of creating protected minority classifications for people who would otherwise not qualify for minority status or minority sub-classes. See intersectional.

Groupthink: the self-affirming conversation that reverberates within the echo chamber where politically correct individualism is never victimized by the notions of virtuous behavior such as faith, hope, charity, fortitude, justice, temperance, and prudence.

Hate speech: Any sort of debate and alternate point of view that disagrees with the ANTIFA, BLM, QUILTBAG, and the Democrat Party echo chamber. See antisocial, free speech.

Hero: A misogynistic man who uses brute force to dominate others.

Inclusion: Straight, white, conservative, Christians and other people without approved intersections need not apply, and should suffer violence if they speak.

Insanity: a F451 DSM-5 psychiatric diagnosis defined by a person’s attempt to fool, defy, or question leftist authority and groupthink.

Intersection: Protected class markers that do not include white skin, male gender, heterosexual preferences, or Christian faith. See intersectional.

Intersectional: The combination of protected minority classes to create enhanced minority sub-classes, ie: color + alternate gender identification + alternate sexual preference = new protected minority sub-class. See intersection.

Irregular citizen, undocumented citizen: Illegal alien – a person who violated American sovereignty and American law by entering the country illegally.

Micro-aggression: Another’s action of eye-rolling when you are being petty, stupid, irrational, and all-around annoying.

Misandry: a word erased from the lexicon of leftists, SJWs, and NPCs, as it implies that men, especially conservative white men, might not be at fault all the time. See misogyny.

Misogyny: Misandry is the hatred of the male gender – the social attitude where men deserved to be abused and devalued. When a man challenges the SJW tenet that all men are inherently bad, he is being a misogynist.

Nazi: 1. Anyone who believes all lives matter. 2. Anyone who believes the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Rule of Law should apply equally to all people, even white, conservative Christians. 3. Anyone who prefers democracy over militant socialism. 4. A title that can be attached to any person who debates woke teachings in order to cancel their arguments without actually rebutting them. See racist, cancel culture.

Phobic: 1. Anyone who shines the light of truth on the bad behavior or intellectual dishonesty of any American minority or sub-minority. ie: The truth that Muslim men treat women badly is islamophobic. That science says there are only two genders is transphobic and gendophobic. Saying reparations for America’s era black slavery is a crap theorem is Afrophobic. 2. A suffix that can be attached to any person who debates woke teachings in order to cancel their arguments without actually rebutting them. See cancel culture, bullying, Nazi.

Progress: 1. Exclude Christianity as an intersection granting rights. 2. Redefine Free Speech to mean politically approved speech. 3. Create a new class of illegal speech called hate speech. 4. Replace the freedom to protest with the freedom to politically correct protest. 5. Redefine freedom of the press to mean politically approved press. 6. Ban the possession of firearms to ensure citizens cannot protect their life, liberty, possessions, and freedoms from a tyrannical government or violent mobs. 7. Due process of law will be unequally applied to achieve politically desired ends. 8. States’ rights are subject to federal decree. 9. Harris/Pelosi 2021.

Protest: Lawful acts of violence and property destruction committed by an organized mob of registered Democrats in order to intimidate individuals and the local community. See social justice, riot.

Racist: 1. Anyone who believes people should be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. 2. A title that can be attached to any person who debates woke teachings in order to cancel their arguments without actually rebutting them. See Nazi, phobic.

Reparations: Taking money from someone innocent of a crime, in the name of someone who committed a crime, and giving that money to someone who is not the victim of said crime.

Riot: A peaceful gathering of conservatives in support of the rule of law as prescribed in the Constitution, ie, white folk, Christians, supporters of the 2nd Amendment, with no violence, vandalism, or looting. See protest.

Safe space: A place where you cannot be held to account for your bad behavior. A place to cry if someone rolled their eyes at you. A place free of wrongthink.

Shadowban: A method of censorship used by large tech companies like Google and Facebook to quietly block internet users from finding content that does not agree with said company’s political view. For instance, my pre-Trump Google referrals went from hundreds to thousands per month to a September 2020 total of 8. I actually take pride in that, as what I write is rational, not radical. Speaking the truth is counter to Google’s agenda. In shadowbanning me, they simply reveal their evil intentions.

Shero: A brave, respected, female mentor who is not a heroine.

Social Justice: Acts of peer pressure, bullying, and violence to silence opposing viewpoints. See cancel culture, antisocial.

Social media: Platforms that support leftist groupthink, and encourage bullying or suppression of alternate points of view. Platforms that discourage critical thinking and philosophical discussion in favor of illiterate mob rule. See echo chamber, antisocial.

Thero: A person who bravely refuses to do an underpants check so they can maintain the illusion they are non-binary, with neither male nor female genitals, nor XX or XY chromosomes.

Unconscious bias: Original sin. The inescapable sin of being born white and/or male. A term leftists culturally appropriated from the Catholic Church, claiming that the white race, especially white men, are born preprogrammed with prejudicial sexist and racist biases we are completely unconscious of which require hours of training to overcome said impulses.

Unprecedented: Something that happens regularly, but is in conflict with the radical left’s desired outcome. For example, the POTUS has made a nomination to the Supreme Court 29 times out of 29 opportunities during an election year. Hearings and confirmations are always dependent on which party controls the Senate. When Joe Biden claimed President Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court following RBG’s death was unprecedented and had never happened in the history of the United States, he was simply lying. If he were an honest man, he would have simply admitted the ACB nomination is not his personally desired outcome. If left-leaning FactCheck.org calls Biden a liar, you know it must be one heck of a whopper.

Virtue Signaling: Condemning ANTIFA and BLM violence while voting for the Democrat politicians who condone and encourage ANTIFA and BLM violence.
Used in a sentence – Question, “She agrees all the violence and destruction is bad. What is she doing to stop it?” Answer, “Nothing, she is just virtue signaling. She still blames President Trump for Democrat on Democrat violence in Portland, just like she blames white Oklahoma farmers for black on black violence in Chicago.”

Voter Fraud: Requiring voters to show the same government-issued ID they are required to show when accessing Obamacare. Requiring voters to vote in person so their votes cannot be harvested.

White American of European Descent: A racist term that SJWs use to deny the Irish, Italians, Greeks, Scottish, German, Polish, French, Basque, Norwegian, Swedish, Swiss, Finns, Jerseymen, Guernseymen, Sarkmen, Gypsies, AND all peoples of that region of the world access to their ancestral cultures because of their generally light skin-tone. For instance, my politically incorrect slurname is Fritz McFrog the Jerseyman, and I am damn proud of my heritage.

White privilege: A genetic condition that automatically causes all white people to steal all the successes or potential for successes from all other races. See unconscious bias.

Woke: 1. The state of accepting false definitions and corrupted points of view. 2. The magical ability to turn past tense into present tense. Trump supporters are awake, while Biden supporters are woke. Which is not remotely grammatically correct. 3. The state of complying with the standards of politically acceptable individualism.

Wrongthink: Any question or expression of curiosity that questions any position, teaching, or belief held within the echo chamber. Dangerous thinking that leads to hate speech.

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Climate Change: Global warming that did not happen, leaving the world sadly intact without an Armaggedon-like ending where radical leftists could say, “I told you so!”

Seriously, what kind of madness is it when a group dedicated to a political ideology actually wishes for the end of the world simply to win an argument? And is actually disappointed when their rending of clothes and gnashing of teeth is for naught? Sort of sounds religious, doesn’t it? Who do they worship? ManBearPig?

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Unprecedented: Something that happens regularly, but is in conflict with the radical left’s desired outcome. For example, the POTUS has made a nomination to the Supreme Court 29 times out of 29 opportunities during an election year. Hearings and confirmations are always dependent on which party controls the Senate. When Joe Biden claimed President Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court following RBG’s death was unprecedented and had never happened in the history of the United States, he was simply lying. If he were an honest man, he would have simply admitted the ACB nomination is not his personally desired outcome. If left-leaning FactCheck.org calls Biden a liar, you know it must be one heck of a whopper.

We are Living in the Prequel to Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 – Conclusion

Saying the road to Hell is paved with good intentions is a nicety that allows a lack of accountability for the people placing the stones. The road to Hell is paved with foolish intentions, ignorant intentions, and evil intentions. The road to Hell is paved with vices that are dressed to appear as virtues. The road to Hell is paved with feelings, not rational thinking. The road to Hell is paved with impulses in defiance of self-discipline. Those who lay the stones often believe they are righteous, but that does not excuse them from accountability when they drag society as a whole to Hell. America’s left is a paving juggernaut, and they have lost patience with President Trump and conservative America’s futile resistance. The left knows it is not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’ and they want ‘when’ to be now, not four years from now. Personally, I want to put off the coming dystopia as long a possible. That is why I am writing to you. That is why I am encouraging you to give President Trump another four years. Make the left wait for a little while to finish their road to Hell.

Here is a real-life example. Anyone over the age of fifty years will have watched this road paved with left-wing activist intentions come to its natural end in Hell.

Back in the early to mid-seventies logging in the Pacific Northwest had overcut our forests by about twenty years. This spurred an age of woke environmental activism. Endearingly nicknamed ‘tree huggers,’ these young radicals, much like ANTIFA and BLM, used a mixture of activism, protests, terrorism, and endless lawsuits, to severely cripple America’s logging industry. Mills all around the country closed and thousands of men lost the means to provide for their families. The leftist radicals then filed lawsuit after lawsuit and lobbied political leaders everywhere, ultimately changing laws all over the country. Suddenly trees were treated as endangered species. Some states, such as California, Oregon, and Washington, through endless regulations and permitting processes, virtually outlawed the felling of trees and removal of dead brush.
As you know just by looking outside your window, trees are by no means endangered, and they grow relentlessly. By the end of the 1990s our forests were once again flush and in need of logging, thinning, and all-around general care, yet the moratorium on logging remained. By 2010, they were getting choked and turning into unhealthy tinderboxes, yet the moratorium remained. So Mother Nature turned on the foolish, little radicals and cleaned up their mess, burning the forests to return them to good health. Instead of properly managing our forests, we were desperately managing forest fires. Look at the costs to the state of California alone over the last several years, all because it was illegal for private landowners to steward their own land. Entire communities burned in hellish fires. That is where that road, paved with good, leftist intentions ended, at a temperature above Fahrenheit 451.

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Virtue Signaling: Condemning ANTIFA and BLM violence while voting for the Democrat politicians who condone and encourage ANTIFA and BLM violence.

Used in a sentence: Question, “She agrees all the violence and destruction is bad. What is she doing to stop it?” Answer, “Nothing, she is just virtue signaling. She still blames President Trump for Democrat on Democrat violence in Portland, just like she blames white Oklahoma farmers for black on black violence in Chicago.”

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Reparations: Taking money from someone innocent of a crime, in the name of someone who committed a crime, and giving that money to someone who is not the victim of said crime.

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Phobic: 1. Anyone who shines the light of truth on the bad behavior or intellectual dishonesty of any American minority or sub-minority. ie: The truth that Muslim men treat women badly is islamophobic. That science says there are only two genders is transphobic and gendophobic. 2. A suffix that can be attached to any person who debates woke teachings in order to cancel their arguments without actually rebutting them. See cancel culture, bullying, Nazi.

We are Living in the Prequel to Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451

Part 11 – Christianity Will Be Persecuted and Suppressed, But Will Ultimately Survive

“Who is more important? Me or that Bible?”
Mildred Montag, F451, confronts her husband when he refuses to burn the world’s last Bible.

In John Bunyan’s classic tale of Christian conversion, Pilgrim’s Progress, the story begins with a man named Pilgrim who reads the Bible. The message in the book is so powerful he seeks to explain it to his family and friends. Those he loves reject him and he is ultimately forced to flee. This is the same character arc Bradbury gives his protagonist, Guy Montag. In F451, the progressive left and the deep state, with the aid of radicalized minorities who refuse to be victimized by the notions of virtuous behavior, have absolutely removed any notion of God from the human society. There is no such thing as unalienable rights, only conformity to groupthink. The practice of Christianity is illegal. When Montag steals one of the planet’s last surviving Bibles, his family and friends report the crime. To avoid arrest, he must flee the city with the book of Ecclesiastes committed to memory. The timing of his escape appears to be God directed, as just hours later the city is utterly destroyed by a massive foreign air attack, leaving Guy Montag and other readers to pick up the pieces of society.

This parallel ultimately changes F451 from a simple sci-fi novel musing about a potential dystopic future, to a prescient narrative about the looming disintegration of society and the coming apocalypse. Ray Bradbury died in 2012, but he left us a book, written seventy years ago, that accurately describe all the events of today. Evil will rise, suffering and destruction will be inevitable, but Good survives to rebuild after Evil is spent.

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Intersectional: The combination of protected minority classes to create enhanced minority sub-classes, ie: color + alternate gender identification + alternate sexual preference = new protected minority sub-class. See intersection.

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

White privilege: A genetic condition that automatically causes all white people to steal all the successes or potential for successes from all other races. See unconscious bias.

We are Living in the Prequel to Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451

Part 10 – The Constant State of War

“We’ve started and won two atomic wars since 1990!”
Montag, F451.

The world of F451 exists in a constant state of war, yet it is of little concern to the general public. They are too distracted by psychoactive drugs, social media, and shallow, interactive, digital entertainment to actually pay attention to what real news is available. The one lone date Bradbury mentions in F451 is the year 1990. Originally the date was 1960, but that was subsequently changed to 1990 in later editions, and finally to 2022 in the latest edition. 1990 is an uncanny choice. Since the start of the Gulf War in 1990, American troops have been committed to a constant state of war primarily in Muslim countries for thirty years.

My children have never known a time when U.S. troops were not getting killed in action overseas. If you ask just about any young adult how many U.S. troops die in overseas operations you will just get a blank stare. Not only do they not know, they literally never think about it. They are too busy watching spicy memes and posting photos of their lunch. They will march in the street, assaulting the police, in the name of some vacuous idea of Social Justice, but thirty years of American men and women putting their lives on the line for this country isn’t worth their time. If you ask them why they will uniformly say learning those kinds of facts is frustrating and hurts their heads, then they will confess they get their news from Twitter. Bradbury predicted it all.

Here is something else to think about when you fill out your ballot this fall. Fewer American military personnel have died overseas under President Trump’s command than any of the four previous Presidents, despite having inherited the sum total of all their bad decisions. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer call that dangerous.

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

White American of European Descent: A racist term that SJWs use to deny the Irish, Italians, Greeks, Scottish, German, Polish, French, Basque, Norwegian, Swedish, Swiss, Finns, Jerseymen, Guernseymen, Sarkmen, Gypsies, AND all peoples of that region of the world access to their ancestral cultures because of their generally light skin-tone. For instance, my politically incorrect slurname is Fritz McFrog the Jerseyman, and I am damn proud of my heritage.

The Real Definitions of Social Justice Terms and Phrases

Gender identification: a non-scientific method of creating protected minority classifications for people who would otherwise not qualify for minority status or minority sub-classes. See intersectional.