Parents, Catholic School Sue Michigan Officials Over ‘Gender Identity’ Law | The Daily Caller

“To comply with Michigan’s re-understood laws, Sacred Heart Parish and its school, Sacred Heart Academy, would be forced to hire faculty and staff who lead lives in direct opposition to the Catholic faith, speak messages that violate Church doctrine, and refrain from articulating Catholic beliefs in teaching its students and when advertising the school to prospective students or job applicants,” the lawsuit states. “Rather than defy Catholic doctrine in these ways, Sacred Heart would shut down.”

Source: Parents, Catholic School Sue Michigan Officials Over ‘Gender Identity’ Law | The Daily Caller

While America was once a nation that respected religious liberty to the point that Scientology, in all its ridiculousness, gained recognition as a legitimate faith, we have finally become a theocracy. Not a Christian theocracy, not a Muslim theocracy, nor Jewish or Mormon theocracy. It has nothing to do with L. Ron Hubbard. Instead, with the speed and agility of the Nazi blitzkrieg, an all new religion has used the government and major corporations to force its tenets on a largely unwilling population. In a matter of two decades it has managed to assert itself as the controlling religious authority in this nation. It has convinced some religions, much like the religious coercion that exists in Communist China and Communist Russia, to adopt teachings that fundamentally undermine those faiths’ foundations. This new religion has used the law to beat Christian businesses into submission or face destruction.  It goes after religious hospitals and healthcare providers. It either infiltrates religious schools, infecting the school with its moral decay from within, or it creates laws that make those schools fundamentally illegal to operate in accordance with faiths that have existed for thousands of years. It forces conservatives and religious in the workforce to hide who they are in a closet. America has become a fundamentalist theocracy of the Woke Belief System:

Laws that promote LGBTQ+ beliefs at the expense of religious people of conscience, free speech, and fundamental scientific truths.

ESG grading systems (Environmental, Social, and Governance) for corporations.

DEIB “reeducation” programs (Diversity that requires adherence to groupthink, Equity that makes conservatives and religious 3rd class citizens, Inclusion that excludes conservatives and religious, and Belonging that ostracizes people who question the lies in the “reeducation” curriculum).

CRT (Critical Race Theory which actually promotes racism and racial discord).

These, along with anything else the Alphabet Mafia thinks up, have become America’s Newest Religion where the New Religion’s adherents are the highest authority, gods unto themselves, and if they want to force a Catholic school to teach kindergarteners that boys are girls and girls are boys and that anal sex is healthy for children, they will bring the full forces of the government down on the school to get it done.

Pro-life activist arrested for praying silently near an abortion facility | Fox News

A British woman was arrested by police for praying outside an abortion facility in a buffer zone, which criminalizes any prayer or counseling as it relates to abortion.

Source: Pro-life activist arrested for praying silently near an abortion facility | Fox News

You just have to love the leftards. They arrested a woman for thinking prayerful thoughts. They enjoy doing evil without blinking an eye and claim piety of heart.