Three Simple Solutions to the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Recently a deacon at my church went off on the congregation calling us hypocritical Christians if we supported President Trump’s temporary ban on immigration. He is a big-hearted fellow and the church has a very large Hispanic population, so he believed he was saying the right thing to the right group. Unfortunately, he is a bit ignorant of world history as well as current events. He bought into Amazon’s television advertisement, released in time for Advent, where the priest and imam exchange Christmas gifts of knee-pads. While his heart is in the right place, wanting to bring peace, safety and security to the suffering, he is also willfully ignorant of the consequences of careless, feel-good immigration policies. He also seems to have forgotten that the Bible tells Christians to respect and adhere to the laws of the land where they live. Europe is years ahead of America when it comes to transplanted Muslim communities. In place of gratitude for their charitable actions, absorbing a never-ending stream of refugees from one conflict or another, they now have to deal with hundreds of Muslim neighborhoods that are “no-go zones” for police. Nice, eh? So when my deacon stood up and sermonized that I am a hypocrite and a hater, he missed the mark. It is not out of hatred that I want a strict American immigration policy. I simply do not want all the troubles that open borders have caused France and Germany. Not that he will ever read this, but here is my response to his impassioned sermon disguised as a homily.

There are three very simple three-step solutions to the current Syrian refugee crisis.

Solution Number One – Peace:
Step 1. Islam, the religion of peace, stops fighting.
Step 2. Refugees return to their homes.
Step 3. Syrians learn from their mistakes, and rebuild as a peaceful and prosperous country.

Solution Number Two – Extreme Bloodshed:
Step 1. Earth’s forty-three Muslim nations open their hearts and borders to their suffering Muslim brothers and sisters and give them refuge for the remainder of the conflict.
Step 2. The two warring side gather all their forces, drive out into the desert, have one great battle, soak the sand with needless bloodshed, and achieve absolutely nothing of substance except their mutual destruction.
Step 3. Syrians learn from their mistakes, and rebuild as a peaceful prosperous country.

Solution Number Three – Hit Them in the Pocketbook:
Step 1: The United Nations sets aside a permanent territory for Muslim refugees, regardless of the current conflict, Shiite, Sunni, or whatever, conveniently located in the region of the Middle East so various refugees can easily gain access. It would be like a summer camp facility that rents out to various groups as conflicts wax and wane.
Step 2A: Frozen funds from terrorist groups would finance the costs of maintaining the refugee area until funds are exhausted.
Step 2B: Frozen funds from terrorist sponsoring nations would finance the costs of maintaining the refugee area until funds are exhausted.
Step 2C: Muslim nations would fund the costs of maintaining the refugee area until funds are exhausted.
Step 2D: Nations and manufacturers who make and sell weapons to current warring factions would fund the costs of maintaining the refugee area until funds are exhausted.
Step 3: Islam would look at the financial cost of hatred and war, and finally stop fighting. Peace would ensue and refugees would go home to build a peaceful and prosperous country.

The Ridiculous Solution – Political Correctness:
Step 1. Through international meddling, ensure the Syrian and like conflicts continue for many, many years.
Step 2. Export the refugees to foreign countries thousands of miles away, with radically different cultures, religions, languages and ways of life where they will have no choice but to seek out culturally like-minded neighborhoods as a matter of survival.
Step 3. Allow these Muslim neighborhoods to become police “no-go zones” where the laws of host nation are disrespected and ignored in favor of Sharia law, ultimately bringing microcosms of Islamic conflict to the rest of the world.

Islam, the religion of peace, has been in a constant state of war since 624AD. They fight each other, and they fight Christians, Hindus, and Buddhists. They have openly vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and drive the Jews into the sea. Since the decline and fall of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th Century, Islam has engaged in perhaps the greatest ongoing genocide in the history of modern man. Millions of Christians and Jews, as well as followers of fringe Muslim sects, have been slaughtered in the name of Allah over the past 130 years, starting with the Armenian Genocide. Today, Christianity and Judaism are on the brink of extinction in many Muslim countries. The Shiites and the Sunnis do not live in peace with each other or anyone else. America and Europe cannot solve the humanitarian crisis generated by 1400 years of discord, hatred and war. Our efforts amount to applying a band-aid to a cancerous tumor. Islam created this problem and Islam is the only entity that can fix it. That will not happen until they acknowledge Israel’s right to exist, and that Jews and Christians are in every way their equals. Oh, and stop fighting. Until then, the endless fighting and suffering will continue until there is a clear winner and everyone else is dead, no matter how many refugees we take.